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  • Put the articles correctly

    1.I have ... book. 2. My ... brother is ... student. 3. We have no ... teacher. 4. ... Browns are ... good family. 5. ... Mr. Green is ... doctor. 6. My mother‘s ... sister is in Tashkent. 7. My favourite subject is ... literature. 8. My sister reads ... English well. 9. This is ... classroom. …classroom is light and clean. 10. I like ... book which you gave me yesterday. 11. ... gas of ... Uzbekistan. 12. ... Bukhara is ... very beautiful city. 13. ... United States of America is ... large country. 14. ... Aral Sea has many global problems. 15. I know oceans: ... Atlantic Ocean, ...Pacific Ocean, ... Indian Ocean and ... Arctic Ocean. 16. ...Chirchiq River is beautiful. 17. ... Lake Baikal is very pure. 18. ...Tien Shan Mountains attract many tourists. 19. I know the four parts of the world - ... North, ... South, ... East, ... West. 20. ... sun shines brightly in summer.​

    • 27 May 2021
    • Ответ оставил: alexandra2132

    1.I have .a.. book. 2. My ..-. brother is .a.. student. 3. We have no ..-. teacher. 4. ..the. Browns are ..a. good family. 5. ..- . Mr. Green is ...a doctor. 6. My mother‘s ..-. sister is in Tashkent. 7. My favourite subject is .-.. literature. 8. My sister reads ..-. English well. 9. This is ..a. classroom. The…classroom is light and clean. 10. I like .the.. book which you gave me yesterday. 11. ..the. gas of ..-. Uzbekistan. 12. .-.. Bukhara is .a.. very beautiful city. 13. .the.. United States of America is ..a. large country. 14. .the.. Aral Sea has many global problems. 15. I know oceans: ..the. Atlantic Ocean, ..the .Pacific Ocean, .the .. Indian Ocean and ..the . Arctic Ocean. 16. .the..Chirchiq River is beautiful. 17. .-.. Lake Baikal is very pure. 18. .the..Tien Shan Mountains attract many tourists. 19. I know the four parts of the world - ..the. North, ..the. South, .the.. East, .the.. West. 20. ..the. sun shines brightly in summer.

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