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    1. Events
    2. Traditions
    3. Literature
    4. Sightseeing
    5. History
    6. Geography

    A. Ulan-Ude is a city with a population of 435 thousand people located about 100 km east of Lake Baikal. It is the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, a major cultural, scientific, industrial centre of Eastern Siberia. Ulan-Ude has a unique historical and cultural heritage. There are more than 200 cultural heritage sites in the city: monuments of architecture and city planning, and monuments of art.

    B. The Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant Life is one of the most visited museums in Suzdal. Here you can see rare monuments of wooden architecture of Vladimir-Suzdal land. The museum is not large, it has only 17 wooden buildings: churches, a merchant’s house, peasant houses with interiors of the peasant way of life, windmills, granaries, wells.

    C. Considered one of the greatest psychologists in world prose, Fyodor Dostoevsky is perhaps best known for his work Crime and Punishment, or subsequent novels such as The Idiot and Demons. Many of his great works offer an unrivalled view of life in Tsarist Russia during the mid-to-late 19th century, shaped by the environment in which he lived and worked.

    D. Larmer Tree Festival is a wonderful well-established festival in one of the most gorgeous Victorian Pleasure Gardens in the UK. Everyone is welcome here whether you are 1 or 101. Provision for kids is nothing short of excellent – rhyme times, storytelling, arts and crafts and dance workshops. Music is eclectic, activities are varied fantastic, and there is something for everyone.

    E. Scotland's shipbuilding industry became important in the 19th century, as steam-power began to replace sail power. Scottish inventors and engineers gained a reputation for being experts in marine engineering. Around 1850, the shipyards of Glasgow and Dumbarton were building half the iron steamships built in the United Kingdom. In the 1880s steel began to replace iron.

    • 19 April 2021
    • Ответ оставил: maxim3274








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