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  • Every year millions of buildings around the world become dark for one hour. This event is called Earth Hour and it usually takes place at the end of March.
    The event is organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It started in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, when 2 million people turned off all lights for an hour. The main idea is to draw attention to environmental problems and to ask people to do something positive to help the planet. And it’s great that people of all ages, nationalities, races and backgrounds can join this event.
    Since 2007 Earth Hour has grown to a massive global event. The next year already more than 35 countries participated in the event. In 2013, already millions of people in 7,000 cities and towns around the world switched off their lights for 60 minutes.
    Every year well-known buildings around the world take part in Earth Hour. For instance, the Sydney Opera House, the Petronas towers in Malaysia, the UK Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the Empire State Building in New York. They all go “dark”, for Earth Hour. The campaign even went into space when astronauts reduced power on the International Space Station in 2011.
    In 2013 in the UK, a popular pop group gave a live concert without electricity for Earth Hour. They were wearing panda costumes, because panda is the WWF’s symbol. Famous chefs created special recipes which families could prepare and eat by candlelight. Actors and TV personalities recorded Rudyard Kipling’s famous “Just So Stories” so that families could listen to them by candlelight.

    1. Earth Hour is an event that is held globally every year. ____
    2. Earth Hour events started in Malaysia in 2007. ____
    3. Earth Hour helps save a lot of energy and money. _____
    4. The WWF wants to make people think about environment. ______
    5. More people take part in Earth Hour every year. _____
    6. Famous buildings switch on their lights for Earth Hour. ____
    7. Famous chefs and singers are members of the WWF. ____
    8. British families should use candles for Earth Hour. ______

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    • 18 May 2021
    • Ответ оставил: cloudpeek




    3.-Not Stated




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