Нажимая на кнопку "Задать вопрос", я даю согласие на обработку персональных данных

Задать вопрос
Задать вопрос
  • Задание 1. Подчеркните правильное слово.
    1. They ’re / ’m / ’s going to visit their grandpa.
    2. She ’s / ’re / ’m going to make a cake.
    3. We isn’t / aren’t / ’m not going to buy lots of clothes.
    4. I ’m not / aren’t / isn’t going to get a new camera.
    5. Dad aren’t / ’m not / isn’t going to take his mobile phone.
    6. Are / Am / Is you going to pack your case tonight?
    7. It ’re / ’m / ’s going to be a nice journey.

    Задание 2. Отметьте «галочкой» правильный вариант.

    1. Tom: *** some cake?
    Jane: Yes, please.
    Would you like
    Do you like
    2. Steve: What TV programmes ***?
    Andy: Comedies and cartoons.
    do you like?
    would you like?
    3. Helen: *** a sandwich?
    Nick: No, thanks, I’m not hungry.
    Do you like
    Would you like

    4. Liz: *** bananas?
    Tim: Yes, I love them. I have one every morning.
    Would you like
    Do you like

    5. Tony: Do you play chess?
    Mike: Yes, I do.
    Tony: *** a game now?
    Mike: Yeah, sure. Great idea!

    Do you like
    Would you like

    6. I’m hot and thirsty. *** a cold drink.
    I’d like
    I like

    7. I’m tired. *** to go to bed now.
    I’d like
    I like

    8. I *** to go to Barselona for a holiday next year.
    would like

    9. I *** 2 kilos of apples , please.
    ‘d like

    10. I *** oranges. They’re my favourite fruit.
    would like

    Задание 3. Вставьте a, an, some, any.
    1. Is there _____ milk in the fridge?
    - No, there isn't _____ milk in the fridge.
    But there's _____ juice.
    2. Are there_____ sausages on the plate?
    - There aren't _____ sausages on the plate.
    But there are _____ sandwiches on the plate.
    3. Is there_____ glass on the table?
    - No, there isn't. But there's _____ cup and a teaspoon.
    Задание 4. Вставьте местоимения some, any ,no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, nothing по смыслу.
    1. I have _____________________ to tell you.
    2. He never puts ________________ sugar in his tea.
    3. I must find__________________ to play tennis with.
    4. There’s__________________ in my soup. It’s a mosquito.
    5. Let’s have__________________ to drink. How about juice?
    6. There’s__________________ behind the door. I heard ______________ noise.
    7. Do not tell him ____________________ about it. It’s a secret.
    8. Isn’t there____________________ more interesting to watch?
    9. I’m thirsty. Can I have____________________ cold water? (просьба!)
    10. You’ve got an excellent memory. You remember ______________________
    11. I opened the door, but I could see______________________.
    12. Stop sitting there doing____________________ and help me.
    13. We didn’t have________________ milk for our kitten so I went out to buy it.
    14. The room was full. _____ was present at the meeting.
    15. I am afraid he knows _____ about it.

    • 13 December 2020
    • Ответ оставил: anoshechkina777

    1 задание.
    1. ‘re
    2. ‘s
    3. aren’t
    4. ‘m not
    5. isn’t
    6. Are
    2 задание.
    1. Would you like
    2. do you like
    3. Would you like
    4. do you like
    5. Would you like
    6. I’d like
    7. I’d like
    8. would like
    9. ‘d like
    10. like

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