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  • ответьте на вопросы употребляя альтернативные вопросы 1) Is Russia a rich country or poor country? 2)Was he buying apples or carrots? ,3)Do you like bananas or oranges? 4)Has she been to Spain or to France .5) Do you speak English or French? 6) Is he in Bishkek or in Moscow? 7) Can you sing or dance? 8) Is he a pupil or a student? 9)Was he playing basketball or volleyball? 10) Do you live in Bishkek or in Talas? 11) Does he like pizza or hamburger?

    • 26 February 2021
    • Ответ оставил: kokokokoCHANEL


    I'm a college student and a first time traveler abroad, eager to immerse myself in the Russian-speaking world. Currently, I am torn between studying abroad in Russia or Central Asia, specifically Kyrgyzstan. I feel very conflicted, because I am equally enamored with both cultures, and I know my study abroad experience could be enriching in either location. The question is which nation will offer the best opportunity for my interests and goals. To give you a bit of background, I am a beginning student of the Russian language. By the time I will study abroad (this summer, if I can secure the necessary funding), I will have completed ten credits of Russian language. I am independently studying some supplemental concepts to ensure that I have the necessary vocabulary and grammatical knowledge to complete day-to-day errands, as well as handle unexpected emergencies, but my knowledge of Russian is quite basic--I am not yet at the point where I can read a newspaper article in Russian or understand a Russian film. I've been told that people in St. Petersburg or Moscow (I am currently deciding between these cities), in general have a working knowledge of English, and are eager to practice English with foreigners. While this could be beneficial if I find it is difficult to convey a particular concept in Russian, I am going abroad to enrich my Russian conversational skills, and I will be sorely disappointed if I am not in a full-immersion environment--the only way my command of Russian will improve. I understand that it is rare for Kyrgyzs to know English, so I expect a rigorous, Russian-centered experience in Bishkek. If you've been to Russia, Kyrgyzstan (or both), which do you think would be the better experience for the beginner student of Russian? Is it possible to only speak Russian in a major city like St. Petersburg or Moscow, or when locals hear an American accent will they switch to English?

    From a cultural standpoint, I have read extensively about Russia and the people of Central Asia, and could visualize myself happy in either location. I initially gravitated toward Bishkek because it is less globalized than the major cities of Russia, and I would have the opportunity with the study abroad provider to visit yurt settlements in Kyrgyzstan's countryside. I am fascinated by Kyrgyz epics and folk music, and I think that the program in Kyrgyzstan offers more authentic encounters with locals than the Russia program, which it does not include excursions to rural areas. I greatly enjoy hiking, and there are several excursions to Lake Issyk-Kul and some of the most breathtaking peaks of Kyrgyzstan--if I went to Moscow or Petersburg, as much as I appreciate cities, I would definitely miss the opportunity to engage with nature. The most appealing factor of the Kyrgyzstan program is a side-trip throughout Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan--there are a myriad of archaeological, religious, and natural sites in these nations that I want to visit, and I can only imaging how exhilarating this could be! The prospect of studying in Kyrgyzstan is thrilling because of how different it will be from my own environs. However, to truly understand the influence of the Russian language, a part of me feels I have to visit where it all started--in Russia. I want to tour the homes of the great Russian writers, view the palaces of Russia's nobility, and understand the quintessence of what it means to be Russian. While the Kyrgyz culture is immeasurably rich, I feel as if I could be cheating myself if, as a student of Russian, I don't get to experience the epicenter of the Russosphere. I am very much interested by the Russian Orthodox Church, and Kyrgyzstan definitely won't present as many opportunities to tour Orthodox places of worship. Plus, the orchestras, operas, and theatre of either St. Petersburg or Moscow are truly unmatched. From what I have read, Bishkek's art scene is not as vibrant.

    There are compelling reasons to study abroad in both countries, and I need the assistance of expert travelers to decide whether Kyrgyzstan or Russia would present the more fulfilling study abroad experience. If you've been to either country (or both), which would you gravitate toward?

    • 26 February 2021
    • Ответ оставил: ubivalkin05




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