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  • Составьте рассказ о человеке, который для вас служит примером для подражания. Опишите его, черты характера, внешность, образ жизни.
    Почему он является для вас примером?
    Если можно на Английском языке

    • 05 March 2021
    • Ответ оставил: 0805lizaZ08


    I chose Mikhail Lomonosov as example for imitation because he was burned in the poor family. His father was ordinary fisherman. He always has a big aim to be succed in the science. And sometimes he travells with wagon to Moscow. He had huge problems with education and life in the capital city of Russia. But after arest and other problems he could get nice education. His appearence is common. So, he have become not for his face. His brain made him famous. He was succed in Chemestry, Russian, Russian Literature. Physics, Maths, Astronomy and etc. He even had a reform of our language!

    Well, he is good example for one thought: "If you wanna smth and do everything for getting it you will be able to reach your aim".

    Это Ломоносов если что

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