Нажимая на кнопку "Задать вопрос", я даю согласие на обработку персональных данных

Задать вопрос
Задать вопрос
  • 14. What’s the time, please? It’s half … ten.

    A quarter B past C after
    15. Has he got … books?

    A that B this C these

    16. Would you like to go fishing with me? No, thanks! It’s ….. .

    A exciting B fun C boring

    17. Do I look great in it? Yes, … fits you perfectly.

    A it B its C those

    18. … you help me with my homework? Of course!

    A do B will C Are

    19. He … at the cinema.

    A am B are C is

    20. Sue wears a … in the summer because it’s hot.

    A jeans B coat C skirt

    21. Put … your gloves and scarf. It’s cold.

    A off B in C on

    22. Can you put … rice on my plate, please?

    A some B any C a

    23. We eat breakfast in the … .

    A evening B morning C afternoon

    24. Why don’t you come swimming? I’m sorry, I … .

    A won’t B don’t C can’t

    25. … does the lesson start?

    A what B when C why

    26. You … go swimming. There isn’t any water.

    A must B can C can’t

    27. This book belongs to Kate. It’s … book.

    A his B our C her

    28. My hobby is walking. I like to go … in the mountains.

    A swimming B sunbathing C hiking

    29. You … swim here. The beach is closed.

    A can’t B can C must

    30. Jim wants to go on a … to see the lions.

    A cruise B safari C beach holiday

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