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Задать вопрос
  • . Reading. Read the text and mark the sentences as true, false or not stated if there was no such information in the text.
    Eric Cantona is from France, but he lives and works in Britain. He is a footballer. He is twenty-seven years old and he is married. His wife is from France, too. Their only son, a five-year-old Nick, is going to school in the coming September.
    Eric plays for British football team. His team is going to win the Cup Final this year, so they are training hard for several hours every day. He trains from Monday to Friday. He doesn’t train on Saturdays and Sundays. Eric’s first language is French, but he speaks English well, so he has no problem understanding the British. Eric likes reading books in his free time. Detective stories are his favourite.
    True, false or not stated? Circle the answer, then write it in your answer sheet.

    1. Eric Cantona is French. (True / False / Not Stated)
    2. He works in France. (True /False / Not Stated)
    3. He plays volleyball. (True / False / Not Stated)
    4. His wife’s name is Ellen. (True / False / Not Stated)
    5. His wife is a British. (True / False / Not Stated)
    6. They have got two sons. (True / False / Not Stated)
    7. Nick is a pupil. (True / False / Not Stated)
    8. Eric doesn’t train at weekend. (True / False / Not Stated)
    9. Eric’s second language is Spanish. (True / False / Not Stated)
    10. His favourite pastime is reading magazines. (True / False / Not Stated)

    II. Grammar and Vocabulary
    Task 1. Tick the right variant.
    1. My favourite football team….. Spartak. am is are
    2. There… any new pupils in our class last year. aren’t wasn’t weren’t
    3. …. is your birthday? When Where What
    4. We are in…. bedroom. my me mine
    5. My … names are Alexander and Irina. parents parent’s parents’
    6. My sister … blue eyes. have got has got had
    7. …speak at the table with your mouth full! Does Don’t Doesn’t
    8. This organization… endangered animals of the country. protects protect is protected
    9. I don’t go to school ….Sundays. at on in
    10. I like …. My housework to the music. making doing do
    11. I don’t know…. email. Can you give me? his him he
    12. He… at the project now. work works is working
    13. The sports center is … my house. next to under between
    14. There aren’t … vegetables in the fridge. some any much
    15. The ancient Egyptians ….on papyrus. write written wrote

    Task 2. Change the words in bracket in the right form to match the sentences. Write the new words in the right column of the table.
    1. The rattlesnake is one of the most….snakes in the world. (DANGER)
    2. She came and sat… next to me. (QUIET)
    3. My friend wants to become a famous … (SCIENCE)
    4. James Cook was a great …(EXPLORE)
    5. I think the most beautiful sport is …(GYMNAST)

    Task 3. Complete these sentences by using the correct word from the box. Use each word once only. There is an extra word, which you do not need to use.
    team problems studying meeting enjoys summer
    whole hard parents classmates fond

    Studying in a foreign country
    Thirteen-year-old Liza, who is from Russia, lives in England now. She is (1) ____________English and is also learning French at a private school in Manchester. She (2) ____________living here and feels like home. She thinks she has lived here her (3) ____________ life and not for only three years. She is not usually very good at (4) _____________ new people, but everyone at school is so nice that she is not having any (5) __________. If it’s difficult to understand the task, she just asks the teacher or one of her (6) ________________ to help her with it, and they always do. She likes most of the subjects they do at school, but she is not very (7) ___________ of Maths. It’s a bit (8) ____________ for her. Another thing which she enjoys here is that she is able to do lots of (9) ___________ sports like volleyball, basketball or water polo. She is really looking forward to her (10) _____________ holidays this year because she will take part in a basketball tournament between schools.

    III. Writing. You are going to join a social network. Write your personal profile. Use these ideas. Write 60-80 words.)

    1. Name/age/nationality
    2. Birthday
    3. Language of your country
    4. First/second language
    5. Interests
    6. Favourite bands

    • 29 May 2021
    • Ответ оставил: nikprokin99



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