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  • написати текст Famous monuments in Ukraine

    • 14 May 2021
    • Ответ оставил: rashidss


    Ukraine is a country with the glorious past. It is rich in historical monuments and different places of interest. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine and one of the oldest cities in the Eastern Europe. It has already celebrated its 1500th anniversary. That's why it is not surprising that a lot of interesting monuments are situated there, for example, the well-known to all Slavonic world St Sophia's Cathedral and Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra. It is breathtaking to wander along the streets of the old town, to feel the breath of history.

    But Ukrainian places of interest are situated not only in Kyiv. Near the small town of Kanev the monument to the Ukrainian national genius Taras Shevchenko is situated. The museum, where the books, drawings and manuscripts of Shevchenko are kept, is situated in the village not far from Kanev. Even the house, where he was born, is preserved. It is very interesting to look at it. One may come to Poltava and visit the museum of the famous Poltava battle, the field where Peter the Great defeated the Swedes.

    One may also go to Zaporizhia, to the island of Khortytsia, where the Ukrainian Cossacks' organization was born. One can go to Odesa and walk along the boulevards, where Pushkin walked a long time ago, and one can touch the trees, which Pushkin touched. It is also possible to visit the last house of Chekhov (now the museum in Yalta), where Chekhov lived, and where he wrote his last works, and where he died. One may visit the famous symbol of the Crimea — the castle "Swallow's Nest" or the residence of Russian tsars.

    It is possible to go through Gogol places in the Poltava Region and see Dickanka, Sorochintsy. One can continue this list, because there is also Western Ukraine with the Carpathians and their legends, feudal lords' castles and cathedrals, with their unique culture and nature. There are a lot of places to see in Ukraine and to be proud of. And I am glad to live in such a country, with all those beautiful monuments.

    • 14 May 2021
    • Ответ оставил: Aria1Bershtein


    Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. The heart of Kyiv is Inderpendence Square. It is situated on the main streen Khreschatyk. The main structure in the square is a monument to the Independence of Ukraine. On the top of a white coloumn you can see a statue of a Ukrainian girl in the traditional coustume. Although there is The Zhovtnevyi Concert Hall, The Cinservatire, The Post Office and shopping center Globus.

    Объяснение:  Я написала про монументи Киева, про інше, можливо, пізніше.

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