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Задать вопрос
  • Vocabulary and Grammar Test Unit 8 Test A
    1 Match the adjectives below to the job descriptions (1–8).
    challenging stressful repetitive highly-skilled varied dead-end glamorous worthwhile
    1 Senior Engineering Consultant: requires qualifications in civil engineering and training in bridge construction. ____________
    2 Burger Sales Assistant: regular hours, no qualifications required, no promotion prospects. ____________
    3 Celebrity Personal Assistant: required to live in Hollywood and travel the world with major film star. ____________
    4 Oil Company Managing Director: top job for ambitious professional who wants to manage major international company and really test themselves. ____________
    5 Machine Operator: required to operate machinery that puts tops on bottles every day. ____________
    6 Aid Worker: volunteers required to help orphaned children in Bangladesh – make a difference to people’s lives! ____________
    7 Firefighter: join our team who attend emergencies and help carry out rescues. You need to be fit and healthy to deal with some of the dangerous aspects of this occupation. ____________
    8 Zookeeper: required to feed animals, advise visitors, work in ticket office, etc. – a hundred different jobs in one! ____________
    Mark: ___ / 8
    2 Circle the correct words in the idiomatic phrases (1–6). Then match phrases 1–6 to the phrases (A–F) with a similar meaning.
    1 I had a lot on my dish / plate. A I taught the new employee what to do. 2 I put my feet / legs up. B I was really busy.
    3 I started the ball rolling / falling. C I had to start working immediately.
    4 I showed him the edges / ropes. D I relaxed.
    5 I rose / lifted to the challenge. E I made the first suggestion in the debate.
    6 I was thrown in at the far / deep end. F I worked hard and did well in a difficult situation.
    Mark: ___ / 12
    4 Match the words (1–6) to the sentences (A–F).
    1 threat 2 boycott 3 discrimination 4 demonstration 5 injustice 6 march
    A Students are walking through the city centre, shouting ‘Down with the government!’ ___
    B People believe that the decision of the judge was unfair. ___
    C The terrorists say that if their demands are not met, they will blow up the plane. ___
    D In protest, citizens refused to buy the company’s products. ___
    E The students were not allowed into the university because of the colour of their skin. ___
    F People stood outside the embassy with signs saying ‘Free the prisoners’. ___
    Mark: ___ / 6

    • 02 January 2021
    • Ответ оставил: teramera

















    6.thrown in at the far


    A 6

    B 5

    C 1

    D 2

    E 3

    F 4


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